Quantum Information Processing (BME) / Quantum Bits in Solids (ELTE)

in Hungarian: Kvantuminformatika (BME) / Kvantumbitek szilárdtestekben (ELTE)

lecture for physics MSc and PhD students
2016 Fall semester
at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
and Eotvos Lorand University (ELTE)


Andras Palyi, Department of Physics, BME


Please let us know if you’re interested to join the course, either by signing up to the course in Neptun, or by sending an email to palyi at mail dot bme dot hu.

Time and location

Time: Tuesday 16:00-17:30
Location: BME, lecture room K371
First lecture: September 13 Tuesday, 2016, 16:00, lecture room K371


Quantum information processing is expected to improve performing certain tasks in computation, communication, cryptography and metrology. The basic unit of quantum information is the quantum bit, which can be realized, for example, by the spin of a single electron. In these lectures, we first review the basic concepts of quantum information theory and a few important quantum algorithms (Deutsch, Grover, Shor). Then, we outline the theory of the fundamental physical mechanisms allowing for the initialization, control and readout of electron-spin-based quantum bits in solids, as well as the mechanisms leading to the loss of information encoded in these quantum bits. These mechanisms are associated to hyperfine, spin-orbit and electron-phonon interactions; the lectures will provide an introduction to these. If time permits, the basics of quantum bits based on superconducting circuit elements will also be covered. A goal of the lecture series is to provide an introduction to the physics of solid-state quantum bits, helping students to start a research activity in this field.


The course material relies on basic concepts of quantum mechanics and solid-state physics.


Combined written and oral exam at the end of the semester. More information and example questions: pdf.
Exam dates: Jan 9, 16, 23, starting at 8:00.
Exam location: BME, building F, stairway I., 1st floor, Department of Physics, office 4.
This map could help finding the place.


The language of the lectures and the written part of the exam is English. The oral part of the exam can be taken either in English or in Hungarian.
