Andras Palyi

Andras Palyi

associate professor
Department of Theoretical Physics
HUN-REN-BME-BCE Quantum Technology Research Group
Institute of Physics
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
Budafoki u. 8, H-1111 Budapest, Hungary


Office: "F" building, stairway III., ground floor, room 6.
Email: palyi dot andras at ttk dot bme dot hu
Phone: +36 1 463 4109


  • 2025/01/29 - Postdoctoral research fellows Dr. Anirban Das and Dr. Sudipto Das joined the group.
  • 2025/01/27 - Izabella Lovas (ETH Zurich) gave a talk at our weekly spin qubit group meeting, on "Quantum phases of matter under non-unitary dynamics", focusing mostly on this work.
  • 2025/01/21 - Kick-off meeting of our newly established HUN-REN-BME-BCE Quantum Technology Research Group.
  • 2025/01/20 - Tamas Krivachy (ICFO Barcelona) gave a talk at our weekly spin qubit group meeting, on "Topologically Robust Quantum Network Nonlocality".
  • 2025/01/09 - Online kick-off meeting of QLSI2. This Horizon Europe project aims to build quantum computer prototypes based on silicon-based spin qubits.
  • 2024/12/12 - Our "birth quota" paper has just been published in Physical Review B, although under a modified title: "Upper bound on the number of Weyl points born from a nongeneric degeneracy point".
  • 2024/12/11 - Our proposal to launch the HUN-REN--BME Quantum Technology Research Group has been funded. The 3-year project will start on January 1st, 2025.
  • 2024/12/10 - New manuscript from our group on arXiv: "Compiling the surface code to crossbar spin qubit architectures".
  • 2024/11/12 - Upon our invitation, Alioscia Hamma from Naples gave a talk at our local physics colloquium, the Leo Szilard Colloquium, on "Quantum complexity and scrambling entropy".
  • 2024/11/08 - Gergo Pinter and Daniel Varjas gave a talk at our local seminar of the Department of Theoretical Physics, about our work on "Stability of Weyl Node Merging Processes under Symmetry Constraints".
  • 2024/11/06 - Joint work with our Dresden and Amsterdam collaborators "Stability of Weyl Node Merging Processes under Symmetry Constraints" published in Physical Review Letters.
  • 2024/10/18 - I gave a talk at the 10th Physics Meets Philosophy workshop about our unpublished work "Qubit measures qubit: A minimal model for qubit readout".
  • 2024/09/24 - I gave a talk at our local physics colloquium, the Leo Szilard Colloquium, on "Quantum computing with single-electron quantum bits". Slides available here.
  • 2024/09/04 - Aritra Sen gave a talk at the Silicon Quantum Electronics Workshop in Davos, Switzerland. Poster presentations from Baksa Kolok, David Pataki, Domi Svastits.
  • 2024/07/22 - Gergo Pinter gave a contributed talk on "Equivariant contact equivalence applied in condensed matter physics", in Valencia, Spain, at the 18th International Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities.
  • 2024/07/15 - New manuscript from our group on arXiv: "The geometry of the Hermitian matrix space and the Schrieffer--Wolff transformation".
  • 2024/07/05 - Announcement of open postdoctoral positions in our research group.

Students and postdocs (2025 Spring)

Former students and postdocs:

  • Daniel Budanyi (BSc 2015)
  • Dr. Peter Boross (PhD 2019, postdoc 2019-2022, currently at Faulhorn Labs, Budapest)
  • Dr. Gabor Csiszar (postdoc, 2012-2014, then postdoc in Stuttgart)
  • Dr. Matthias Droth (postdoc, 2016-2018, DFG fellow)
  • Dr. Vahid Derakhshan Maman (postdoc 2018-2020, then postdoc in Utrecht)
  • Gabriella Gorjanacz (MSc 2019)
  • Zoltan Guba (BSc 2021, MSc 2023, currently PhD student at the University of Zurich)
  • Dr. Bence Hetenyi (MSc 2018, then PhD student in Basel, currently postdoc at IBM Rueschlikon)
  • Zoltan Koradi (BSc 2013, MSc 2015)
  • Dr. Judit Romhanyi (postdoc, 2012/09-2012/12, then postdoc in Stuttgart, Okinawa, currently assistant professor at UC Irvine)
  • Aron Rozgonyi (BSc, 2017, MSc, 2020, currently PhD student at Eotvos University)
  • Dr. Gabor Szechenyi (PhD 2017, currently assistant professor at Eotvos University)
  • Peter Trocsanyi (MSc 2024)
  • Reka Tuza (BSc 2015, MSc 2017)
  • Mate Tibor Veszeli (BSc 2015, MSc 2017, then PhD student at Eotvos University)


We do research in condensed-matter theory and quantum information. As of Spring 2025, we focus on the physics of semiconductor spin qubits and superconducting qubits, quantum error correction, and topological properties of quantum systems. We often get inspired by experiments, and often collaborate with experimental research groups.

Research collaborators, 2025 Spring

  • Natalia Ares (Oxford)
  • Janos Asboth (BME Budapest)
  • Stefano Bosco (TU Delft)
  • Guido Burkard (Konstanz)
  • Bence Hetenyi (IBM Research Zurich)
  • Daniel Loss (Basel)
  • Gabor Szechenyi (ELTE Budapest)
  • Daniel Varjas (IFW Dresden / BME)
  • Zoltan Zimboras (Wigner Research Centre for Physics)

Research funding, 2025 Spring

  • QNL, Quantum Information National Laboratory of Hungary, NKFIH Hungary
  • IGNITE, Integrated Germanium Quantum Technology, Horizon Europe
  • ONCHIPS, On-Chip Integration of Quantum Electronics and Photonics, Horizon Europe
  • OpenSuperQPlus, Open Superconducting Quantum Computers, Horizon Europe
  • QLSI2, Horizon Europe
  • HUN-REN-BME-BCE Quantum Technology Research Group


2025, Spring semester

2024, Fall semester

2024, Spring semester

  • MSc Seminar, supervision for physics MSc students at BME

2023, Fall semester

2023, Spring semester

2022, Fall semester

Brief CV

  • 2015/09 -
  • associate professor, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
  • 2011/04 - 2015/08
  • part-time research fellow, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
  • 2011/01 - 2015/08
  • assistant professor, Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary
  • 2008/11 - 2010/12
  • postdoctoral researcher, University of Konstanz, Germany (supervisor: G. Burkard)
  • 2008
  • PhD, Physics, Eotvos University
  • 2007/10 - 2008/10
  • research assistant, Eotvos University (supervisor: G. Vattay)
  • 2004/09 - 2007/08
  • PhD student, Eotvos University (supervisor: J. Cserti)
  • 2004
  • Diploma, Physics, Eotvos University
Andras Palyi


J. K. Asboth, L. Oroszlany, A. Palyi
A Short Course on Topological Insulators: Band structure and edge states in one and two dimensions
Lecture Notes in Physics 919, Springer (2016), [arXiv]


For group members

Funding acknowledgment, QNL (source): This research was supported by the Ministry of Culture and Innovation and the National Research, Development and Innovation Office within the Quantum Information National Laboratory of Hungary (Grant No. 2022-2.1.1-NL-2022-00004).

Funding acknowledgment, IGNITE: This research was supported by the European Union within the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme via the IGNITE project. OR The IGNITE project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme.

Funding acknowledgment, ONCHIPS: This research was supported by the European Union within the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme via the ONCHIPS project under grant agreement No 101080022. OR The ONCHIPS project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101080022.

Funding acknowledgment, HUN-REN: This work was supported by HUN-REN 3410107 (HUN-REN-BME-BCE Quantum Technology Research Group).

Affiliation for all group members: Department of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Physics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Műegyetem rkp. 3., H-1111 Budapest, Hungary

Extra affiliation for Andras: HUN-REN-BME-BCE Quantum Technology Research Group, Műegyetem rkp. 3., H-1111 Budapest, Hungary

Regular events:

  1. Spin Qubit Group Meeting, Mondays 14:15-15:30, library.
  2. Szilard Colloquium, Tuesdays 14:30-15:30, lecture hall F 13.
  3. Quantum Error Correction / OpenSuperQPlus Meeting, Wednesdays 14:15-15:45, seminar room of physics department.
  4. Seminar or the Department of Theoretical Physics, Fridays 10:15-11:15, seminar room of the theory department.
  5. Topology and Physics Discussion, Wednesdays 12:30-14:00, coffee corner of the theory department.